Sustainability requirements for suppliers for procurement

The Swedish Transport Administration performs procurements according to the requirements of state authorities, such as social requirements like labour rights and anti-discrimination, and environmental requirements.

The Swedish Transport Administration's procurements set requirements in several sustainability areas, for example the environment, but also in respect of social considerations, which contribute to sustainable development. The government's national procurement strategy requires authorities to promote fair employment conditions and increased employment through procurement. Agenda 2030 includes goals for decent working conditions, economic growth and gender equality.

The social requirements in the Swedish Transport Administration's procurements include:

  • Minimum wage or minimum conditions for assignments performed in Sweden
  • Basic rights for employees throughout the supply chain in the production of goods and services
  • Taxes and social security charges
  • Anti-discrimination
  • The approach to ethical issues, such as corruption
  • Employment requirements

The aim is to combat wage dumping, undeclared work, discrimination and corruption, for example. No people may be exploited or mistreated, laws shall be followed and competition shall be fair.