Invoicing addresses
Here you as a supplier can find invoicing addresses to the Swedish Transport Administraition.
Sending an e-invoice to Swedish Transport Administration
Legislated e-invoice requirement. From 1 April 2019, you as a supplier to Swedish Transport Administration must send us an e-invoice. Note that PDF is not an approved format.
In June of 2018, the Riksdag decided to adopt the Act regarding e-invoicing in public procurement (SFS 2018:1277). The Act means that all purchases made in accordance with procurement acts such as LOU, LUF, LUFS or LUK shall be billed using e-invoices. Purchases made by us, Trafikverket, Swedish Transport Administration shall therefore be billed using e-invoices. Also remember to include our reference in the invoice.
If you already use e-invoices
Trafikverket, Swedish Transport Administration can receive invoices via the PEPPOL network. In that case, you need to connect via a company that supports your e-invoicing via PEPPOL. Check whether your accounting / invoicing system supplier or e-invoice service can use the PEPPOL network. Trafikverket, Swedish Transport Administration PEPPOL-ID as listed below. The formats that Trafikverket, Swedish Transport Administration can receive via the PEPPOL network are PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.
If you currently do not use e-invoices
If you have a business system
It is often possible to create e-invoices in existing business systems/accounting systems. Check with your system supplier. E-invoicing services can also be purchased from certain companies in order to achieve the same thing, as can the installation of a “virtual invoice printer”.
If you do not have a business system
Do you have a finance system that does not support e-invoicing or are you a supplier that only sends a small number of invoices to the Swedish Transport Administration? The Swedish Transport Administration cooperates with Opus Capita, a web service for e-invoicing. After registration, invoices can easily be created in a web form and sent as an e-invoice to the Swedish Transport Administration. Please follow the links below for more information and registration.
Invoicing address to the Swedish Transport Administration
If you have an invoice, please send it to:
Swedish Transport Administration
SE-781 89 Borlänge
Marking/reference: EF-number and Name of contact
Example: EF123456 Sven Nilsson
PEPPOL-id 0088:7350005120115
Invoicing addresses to the divisions
Ferry Operation, Railway Training Centre and Material Services divisions have their own invoicing addresses.
Swedish Transport Administration Ferry Operations
SE-781 89 Borlänge
Marking/reference: Name of contact and object number
Example: Sven Nilsson object 123456
PEPPOL-id 0088:7381010051316
Swedish Transport Administration Driving Tests Unit
SE-781 89 Borlänge
Marking/reference: EF-number and Name of contact
Example: EF123456 Sven Nilsson
PEPPOL-id 0088:7350005120146
Swedish Transport Administration Railway Training Centre
SE-781 89 Borlänge
Marking/reference: Name of contact and Project/client number
Example: Sven Nilsson 12345
PEPPOL-id 0088:7350005120603
Swedish Transport Administration Logistic
SE-781 89 Borlänge
PEPPOL-id 0088: 7350005120092