Publications related to Vision Zero
This is a collection of publications related to Vision Zero, primarily from Sweden but also other countries.
The collection includes research articles, reports, conference papers, government bills and information material to the public. Several publications are available in full text. Some of the references leads directly to the publication and other refers to journals.
A few of the publications are only available in Swedish. Automatic translating from Swedish by using google.se is recommended as an alternative to Google translate.
Key documents from Trafikverket
- Analysis of Road Safety Trends (annual reports from 2010 onwards, Swedish Transport Administration’s Publication Database)
- ATK Traffic Safety Cameras (annual reports from 2012 onwards, Swedish Transport Administration’s Publication Database)
- Road Safety Action Plans (previous and current reports, Swedish Transport Administration’s Publication Database)
- Vision Zero Handbook (open access):
- Swedish Transport Administration’s publication database ”DiVA” (various road safety reports in English)
Origin and background Vision Zero
This is Vision Zero
Lindberg. H. (2017). Vision Zero 20 years: How dreams become reality . ÅF. (pdf file 12,4 MB)
Management by objectives
Vision Zero and ways to work
Swedish Road Administration (2019). Krav Brobyggande. TDOK 2016:0204. (PDF file)
Swedish Road Administration (2017). Suicid i vägtrafiken 2010 – 2015. (2017:099).
Swedish Road Administration (2020). Vägars och gators utformning, VGU. (2020:029). (Design of Roads and Streets, Requirements and Advise)
Key interventions based on Vision Zero
Swedish Transport Administration (2018. Road safety measures on Swedish roads. (PDF file)
Swedish Work Environment Authority (2006) Road Safety: A work-environment issue. (PDF-file, 0,5 MB)
Effects of Vision Zero
Vision Zero in the world
Torontos Road Safety Plan: Vision Zero 2017-2021. (2017). City of Toronto. (PDF 5500 kB)