Technical information about Datex
Here you will find the technical information needed to use Datex in the application development.
The information supplied by the Swedish Transport Administration is sent as messages in Datex II format. The messages are based on an XML schema. There are different schemas depending on the type of data transmitted. The incoming messages are validated against these schemas.
Web service
Datex II uses web service technology to deliver traffic information. The use of web services is recommended because it provides greater flexibility across platforms and a possibility of better error handling.
Push and Pull
In Sweden, both so called push and pull services is used to access traffic information. Using the pull service customers can collect there information when they want, and by using the push service all the information is sent out to customers as soon as it enters the system.
Road safety related messages Datex
A number of messages in Datex II services, both push and pull, will be flagged if they are safetyr elated message or not. This is in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 886/2013 as regards the data and procedures for the supply of traffic information.
A subset of Datex II elements, which will be used to meet the requirements of the delegated regulation, found in the document "Safety related message sets - Selection of Datex II Codes TPEG2-TEC Causes and TMC Events for EC High Level Categories" from ITS Directive workgroup.
The document is available here: Safety related message sets - Selection of Datex II Codes
To flag which messages are safety, an extension of this available in version 2.3 of the DATEX II.
Examples and documents
To make the implementation as simple as possible you can find examples, documentation, data dictionary, XML schema, and more to download under Examples and documents. We have also developed code examples that are easy to implement.
Can we deliver information to you?
By using our test page you can verify that the Swedish Transport Administration can deliver traffic information. You can use the web interface to initiate a question and recive the resulting answer. We provide you with a list of common error messages and solutions that helps you to get your configuration working.