Centralized traffic control (CTC) and track replacement Herrljunga – Borås
We plan to install Centralized traffic control (CTC) and renew the track between Herrljunga and Borås. The purpose of the project is to enhance safety and create opportunities for increased punctuality, capacity, reliability and geographical independence.
The objective of the project is to remotely control Herrljunga – Borås as well as to restore the standard of the track. The performance contract consists of installing centralised traffic control (CTC) and track replacement, between Herrljunga and Borås, a distance of 42 kilometers. The contract work is scheduled to be carried out in 2020–2021. All parts of the projects are to be finalised and opened for traffic (ÖFT) in December 2021.
A prerequisite for being able to remotely operate the facility is that there is an electronic safety system in place. The project includes upgrading the safety system as well as creating a more efficient / more flexible and more cost-effective rail system. The project will upgrade the standard on several level crossings to increase the safety.
We will also carry out track replacement and upgrading of the embankment on Älvsborgsbanan between Herrljunga and Borås. The purpose is to increase safety, reliability and capacity for travelers and freight trains.
How are you affected
Performing this type of work without interference is difficult, but we work to reduce the disturbances as much as possible.
- Noise may occur during certain period.
- We strive to affect train traffic as little as possible, but some disturbances may occur.
Time schedule
- Invitation to tender for the Performance contract was published 21 february 2020. The tendering period ends 22 may.
- Construction starts in 2020.
- Operation facility must be ready for remote control in December 2021.