Burlöv station
Burlöv Station in Arlöv is now a commuter station. Passengers reaches the two intermediate platforms via a pedestrian and cycle tunnel beneath the tracks, whith a wide and airy design.
The conversion into a commuter station means that the Öresund trains will stop at the station, and that the service frequency to Malmö/Copenhagen and to Lund will increase. With the intermediate platforms, passengers can reach the trains on all four tracks. A pedestrian and cycle tunnel has been built beneath the station, and noise barriers alongside the tracks.
On the eastern side of the tracks, facing “Burlöv Center”, an open area will be created, where the Municipality of Burlöv has ambitions to create a centre square. They have invested in the construction of the station with intermediate platforms and a wide pedestrian and cycle tunnel beneath the station.
Two large intersecting roads (Kronetorpsvägen and Lommavägen) was affected during the construction work. The railway bridges crossing the two roads was widened.
The two new tracks were built west of the old tracks.