Speed Management
Vision Zero has led to an overview of the speeds driven on Swedish roads with respect, among other things, to road standard. Road users are given support in maintaining speed limits by means of safety cameras and ISA systems.
No one single factor means as much to safety in road traffic as speed. Since Vision Zero was first introduced in Sweden, an overview has been made of the speed limits on the state and municipal roads. A fundamental principle is that the speeds are to be determined based on the technical standards of the roads and vehicles, so that the tolerance of people against external forces is not exceeded.
In the countryside, median separation and the standard of the roadside areas are decisive factors for the speed limits that are set. This means that only roads which are meeting-free are given a permissible speed of over 80 km/h, the only exception being roads that carry little traffic. In urban areas, it is the degree of separation of unprotected road users from cars that is decisive for determining the speed limit that can be set.
Road safety cameras
Automatic Traffic Control (Swedish: ATK) is a system for automatic speed monitoring using road safety cameras. The aim of road safety cameras is to reduce the average speed on our most hazardous roads and in this way decrease the number of fatalities and serious injuries.
The ATK system is administered by the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish National Police Board.
Follow-up of the system are done regularly and the results are good. At the cameras, the share of vehicles at the national level that exceeds speed limit is low, less than 5 percent.
The Swedish Transport Administration’s annual survey shows that more than 70 percent of the Swedes are positive to the road safety cameras. This attitude has been so, since the beginning of our surveys in 2006.
Intelligent speed adaption (ISA)
One effective tool that helps drivers keep to the speed limit is ISA, which stands for "Intelligent Speed Adaptation".
ISA is a well-proven technology that tells drivers what the speed limit is. If this is being exceeded, some ISA systems warn the driver by beeping. In other systems the accelerator either vibrates or offers resistance. In the future, ISA will be even more intelligent, taking into consideration such things as weather conditions or the traffic situation.