Double-track Hallsberg-Degerön invites to a suppliers day
In the autumn 2023 the railway project Double-track Hallsberg–Degerön will announce the procurement of a major civil works contract. The project will now host a suppliers event.
The contract Hallsberg-Stenkumla, anläggning, broar och tunnel comprises civil works
for 14 km double-track including 14 bridges and 5 km tunnel.
We are now inviting to a suppliers event to inform about the project, the civil works
contract and the procurement process. After the presentation there will be opportunity
to B2B-meetings with the delegation from Trafikverket.
More information
Date and time: Wednesday 3 May, 10 o'clock.
Place: Stockholm (venue will be disclosed after registration).
Registration: If you want to participate at the event please contact Procurement Manager, Mr Johan Sundin, via the link below. The number of participants will be limited.