FSE902 Power Supply and Electrical Systems
Customer Service Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.For traffic information and issues that requires immediate attention, we are open all hours.
Tel: +46 (0)771 921 921

Two external networks will supply the long tunnel with electricity. The networks will be connected to substations situated at the northern and the southern ends of the tunnel.The high voltage network will be ring shaped, with two separate loops. Switching the power supply can occur via Stockholms Traffic Control Centre. If a fault should occur in the grid, one substation will be capable of supplying the entire facility with electricity.
A third external network will supply the short tunnel with electricity. This network will also be connected to substations at the northern and southerns ends of the tunnel.
Switchgears and transformers for 33/0.4kV will be placed in Electrical Power Service Stations. Certain Electrical Power Service Stations will be supplied with transformers for 33/0.69kV and switchgears for operation of fans and pumps.
The contract includes electrical systems and cabling to power equipment that is supplied under other contracts. The cabling will be laid in embedded fireproof ducting that will run along the tunnels in a utility culvert.
Equipment for Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) will ensure battery operation for at least an hour to supply safety functions with electricity. UPSs will be installed in Electrical Power Service Stations and Technical Euqipment Locations and Technical Euqipment Buildings.
Lighting will be installed in traffic areas. This includes road lighting, access road lighting, evacuation route lighting, architectonic lighting, sign lighting and evacuation sign lighting.
General Power and Lighting
General power and lighting in technical spaces, utility culverts, wastewater treatment plants and fan stations is included in this contract.
General Ventilation and Cooling
All HVAC services such as general ventilation and cooling for all technical spaces throughout the entire facility. Special air purification requirements will apply for the general ventilation in Electrical Power Service Stations. If required there will also be acess to water in fan stations and Electrical Power Service Stations.