Upgrading and modernisation of the railway in the Borås area
We are planning to replace tracks, overhead line and interlocking system and introduce remote control on selected stretches of railway line in the Borås area. These measures will make it easier to increase capacity in the future and create a more reliable
The following five projects have been planned for implementation during the construction period up to the end of 2022. (You can read more about each project by clicking on the link to the right)
Borås railway yard, upgrading of overhead line: Replacement of overhead line to improve operational reliability.
Borås interlocking system: The installation of a modern interlocking system will increase safety and facilitate flexible and efficient train services.
Borås-Hillared, replacement of track and switches: To increase the robustness and reliability of the trains, we are replacing tracks and switches.
Remote control and replacement of tracks, Herrljunga-Borås: To increase punctuality and capacity, we are planning a remote control project and replacing tracks along the route.
Replacement of tracks and overhead line Borås-Varberg: We are planning to replace tracks, switches and overhead line in order to increase reliability.
How you will be affected:
Increased focus on the upgrading of the railway means many work tasks need to planned and executed in the railway system. There will be periods of time when these work tasks will lead to major disruptions in train services but we are striving to reduce these disruptions as much as possible.