The Gothenburg–Borås project sums up the first six-month of 2016
Project Director Sara Distner sums up this year’s first half year and tells us about the current status of the project.
Sara Distner, Project Director of the Gothenburg–Borås project! What has happened during the first half of 2016?
-A lot! We’re in the finale phase of the location inquiry for the section Almedal–Mölnlycke and in October we are going to send the material to the municipalities and the County Administrative Board. We have presented an adjusted stretch for the section Mölnlycke–Bollebygd. For the section Bollebygd–Borås we are working on adjusting and completing the corridors for the location inquiry. The new material will be sent to the municipalities and the County Administrative Board in August.
-On national level The Swedish Transport Administration has during spring presented an updated cost analysis for the high-speed railway and an inquiry about possible measures on existing main line. Without a doubt large investments needs to be done to meet the demand of transportation both for passengers and goods.
Is it correct that The Swedish Transport Administration is going to do an inquiry about a location for a new station at Göteborg Landvetter Airport?
-Yes, The National Negotiation on Housing and Infrastructure has given The Swedish Transport Administration an assignment to compare a station in surface mode adjacent to Göteborg Landvetter Airport with the original location of a station under the airport with respect to cost, travelling time, benefits and future traffic and also describe implications for ongoing planning.