Extensive knowledge of the new railway between Gothenburg and Borås
An opinion survey about the new railway between Gothenburg and Borås has been conducted.
In September and October, a new opinion survey was conducted in which 1 600 people living in the municipalities of Borås, Mölndal, Härryda and Bollebygd were asked to respond to questions on the Gothenburg-Borås Project. The same questions were also posed to 350 companies with business operations in the municipalities. This is the first survey performed by the Gothenburg-Borås Project aimed at gauging the knowledge and attitudes of the residents and companies concerning the project.
"I should like to thank everyone who has taken the time to respond to our questions. For those of us who are working on the project, the opinion survey is an important tool in enabling us to develop our work, and in providing those of you who are affected by the railway development with relevant information," says Sara Ramberg, Head of Communications for the Gothenburg-Borås Project.
The results show that a majority of those concerned with the development – as well as the representatives of the companies involved – know about the project and are positive to it. However, there is a considerable difference among the municipalities regarding the nature of the knowledge. In Bollebygd, 9 out of 10 are acquainted with the project compared with Mölndal where scarcely 6 out of 10 know about it. At the same time, it is apparent that the knowledge on the project is fairly superficial.
"This was anticipated," comments Sara Ramberg. "The project has been on hold since 2010 and we are now in the middle of a start-up phase. As the planning proceeds, we will gradually increase our communication efforts."
The survey shows that residents wish to receive information on the project directly through the mail, while the representatives of companies would prefer the Transport Administration to send them e-mails.
"In addition to following the project by means of the direct mail shots that we are sending to residents and companies, I should like to advise people to register themselves for our digital newsletter that is sent out 2-4 times a year. For those of you who want to be certain of receiving absolutely all the news on the project, I recommend you subscribe to the latest news from the Gothenburg-Borås website via RSS," concludes Sara Ramberg.