About cookies and how we use them
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Our website use cookies for functional purposes.
A 'cookie' is a small text file that a website can store on your computer. Trafikverket uses cookies that remember your preferences and give you access to certain functions on the website. We also use them to collect statistics.
We use cookies:
- so that the website works as well and quickly as possible.
- to be able to direct certain information to certain visitor groups, for example new and returning visitors.
- to be able to save Your favorites in our traffic information map.
- for anonymised visitor statistics.
- for our login services.
Our publishing tool uses cookies to manage login and to check if you are a returning visitor or not.
Visitor statistics
We use our own service to collect anonymised visitor statistics. We do not store personal data or IP addresses. The statistics are collected and analyzed to evaluate and improve the website. All statistics are stored with us and are not shared with any third party.
When movies that we have embedded from any of our Youtube channels are played, cookies are used by Youtube.com.
Block cookies
You can block cookies in your browser settings and download a plugin for your browser to stop Google Analytics cookies. This applies to all websites you visit. This may however lead to that certain functions on our website will not work for you.
Do you have any questions?
If you have questions about cookies on our website, please contact us. You will find our contact details under the tab "Contact us".