E20 past Skara
Widening the road and separating lanes in opposite direction to increased safety and accessibility at E20 north of Skara.
E20 is a very important road for the cities in the middle part of Sweden, as well as connecting Gothenburg and Stockholm, with 10 000 vehicles passing every day (20% heavy). For example, E20 allows traffic from the middle parts of Sweden to reach Gothenburg's harbour for further transportation.
At many places along E20 there is no other roads to travel by and therefore there are many connections at E20. This also makes it important for different types of traffic to coexist with each other, for example farmers, people commuting and transports from industries. The lack of other roads is a complexity during construction, since the new road will be constructed at the same location as the existing road it is not often possible to redirect the traffic.
The shortcomings of the existing road are low accessibility and safety as well as noise and barrier effects for humans and animals. The road also misses a parallel road network for local traffic and people walking and bicycle.
To increase the road's capacity and accessibility at least 40% of the road will have 2+2 lanes, which means that the existing road needs to widen to 16,5 m. The road also needs to be reinforced since it should tolerate heavy traffic and a speed limit at 100 km/h, today the speedlimit is 60-80 km/h.
To increase safety and reduce the number of accidents a few main constructions will be done throughout the entire project; fewer connecting roads by building a parallel road network, new fauna fences, barriers between lanes in opposite directions and separate roads for walking and bicycle.
The project is two parts of E20 located north of Skara in Western Sweden with a length of 6 km, named Vilan-Dalaån, and 2 km, named Dalaån-Ledsjö. The building of Vilan-Dalaån starts in 2019 with a construction cost of approximately 15 million euro. The building of Dalaån-Ledsjö starts 2021 with a construction cost of approximately 10 million euro.
Welcome to dialogue with our two projects E20 Götene-Mariestad and E20 Past Mariestad!
Date: 20-21 February 2023
Location: Transport Agency Skövde, Trädgårdsgatan 15 D, Sweden
Individual meetings of 1.5 hour containing information from the projects as well as dialogue about the matters below:
- Time schedule
- Packaging of projects
- Contract Form
- Project Risks
- Construction Period
Project managers and responsible buyers will participate in the dialogues.
Registration is done by e-mail to tommy.ghose@trafikverket.se and sara.skantze@trafikverket.se State your name, company, title and contact information (e-mail and telephone number) and which of the days you wish to attend. By the 19th of December we would like your notification.
In the beginning of February we will return with confirmation of the day and time, as well as the set-up for the meeting.
Link to current procurements