Procurement - The East Link Project
The East Link Project will procure consultancy services, design assignments and construction contracts during several years. This page presents our procurements, as well as information on how to become a supplier, and how the procurement process works.
Current and planned procurements
Here you can find the Swedish Transport Administration's current and planned procurements. Search for Ostlänken in order to see specific procurements for the East Link Project.

The East Link is Sweden's largest infrastructure investment in modern times, where some preparatory work already is underway for the construction of the 160 km long double-track railway between Järna and Linköping.
Procurements are also underway, for the first gigantic contracts in the order of around SEK 10 billion, so called volume contracts.
– By carrying out fewer but larger contracts, we can create better conditions for time- and cost-effective construction, says Magnus Sjöberg, Programme Manager for the East Link.
An early dialogue with suppliers is crucial to meet future challenges
The Swedish Transport Administration is Sweden's largest developer and will expand, upgrade and modernise Sweden's infrastructure over the next 10-year period at a cost of SEK 799 billion. To succeed in this, we need to have a good collaboration with our suppliers.
– The Swedish Transport Administration wants to be the supplier's first choice. We need the suppliers' knowledge to be able to carry out our mission. The strategy for the volume contracts is to involve both contractors and consultants early in the process so that together we can find innovative and sustainable solutions to challenges such as climate change, cost control and access to skills and resources," says Magnus Sjöberg.
The Swedish Transport Administration strengthens its ability to lead major transactions in the international market
The long implementation time, complexity and large scope of the volume contracts mean that the Swedish Transport Administration also targets suppliers on the international market.
– We need to strengthen our ability to lead major business in an international market, especially with a focus on collaboration and mutual understanding of the driving forces of clients, consultants and contractors, says Magnus Sjöberg.
The calls for applications for the volume contracts Skavsta and Vagnhärad are published in the Swedish Transport Administration's procurement system Kommers. In order to submit a tender in the next stage, the supplier must first be invited after a request to participate.
Facts about volume contracts
Volume contracts are contracts in the order of around SEK 10 billion and implementation times of 8-10 years. This form of contract is based on a developed form of Early Contractor Involvement (ECI). The goal is to create efficient construction with the right quality through early supplier collaboration and on the basis of clear contract conditions that also includes the right LCC perspective, reduces costs and reduces climate impact. This is done through cross-border cooperation based on trust and confidence.
Read more about volume contracts
Procurement status for the East Link Project
Some of these procurements might consist of several contracts, which ones will be made clear when the procurements are announced in the Swedish Transport Administration’s procurement timetable.
Designation | Project name | Contract form | Status |
OL11 | Gerstaberg | Performance contract | Planned |
OL31 | Vagnhärad | Design and construct contract (ECI) | Ongoing procurement |
OL32 | Skavsta | Design and construct contract (ECI) | Ongoing procurement |
OL33 | Nyköping Secondary Line | Design and construct contract (ECI) | Ongoing procurement |
OL2.3 | Nyköping Travel Centre | Performance contract | Awarded contract |
OL41 | Ålberga | Design and construct contract (ECI) | Planned |
OL42 | Kolmården | Performance contract | Planned |
OLP5 | New Freight Yard Norrköping | Performance contract | Awarded contract |
OL61 | Norrköping Central | Design and construct contract (ECI) | Planned |
OL71 | Norsholm | Design and construct contract (ECI) | Planned |
OL81 | Linköping | Design and construct contract (ECI) | Planned |
Project Subdivision

The East Link's design and construct contracts will be carried out as two-phase contracts. This means that the contract initially consists of a design phase and then a production phase. Within the East Link there are two types of two-phase contracts:
Volume contracts are contracts in the order of around SEK 10 billion and that has an implementation time of 8-10 years. This form of contract is based on a developed form of Early Contractor Involvement (ECI). The goal is to create efficient construction with the right quality through early supplier collaboration, and on the basis of clear contract conditions that also includes the right LCC perspective, reduces costs and climate impact. This is done through cross-border cooperation based on trust and confidence.
Strategic partnering, which means that the contract is divided sequentially into stages. The Nyköping Secondaty Line, for example, has changed its form from a construction contract to a design and construct contract according to strategic partnering.
The East Link consists of a total of eleven projects and contracts, broken down into Stages A, B and C.
Six of the projects are high-volume business projects, which are aimed at creating greater opportunities for innovative technical solutions and effective production methods. The other projects are performance contracts.
Description of planned procurements of contracts
Gerstaberg, outside of Järna, is the northernmost part of the East Link and the beginning of the new double-track railway which will enable more trains. In Gerstaberg, the East Link connects to the existing western main line, and this is done, among other things, with a so-called portal bridge over the existing railway. In addition, we are building approximately three kilometers of double-track railway alternately on bridge, bank and in cutting. The project also includes a switchgear replacement in Järna. The planned work in Gerstaberg is divided into two contracts:
- Gerstaberg (execution contract)
- Non-aligned power (turnkey contract)
The Gerstaberg contract is a construcion and BEST-contract (track, electricity, signals and telecommunication) with several bridges.
The contract includes track diversions, ground and reinforcement work, pressure banks, rock cuts, new road extensions, temporary construction, road extensions and new technical yards. Two new high-speed gears, which enable 160 km/h when shunting is included. A total of five new concrete bridges are being built, divided into four railway bridges and one road bridge. The crossing over the existing main line takes place with a grade-separated portal bridge that spans all four tracks. A continuous slab bridge is then built on the portal. The Portal Bridge is complemented by two connecting girder bridges on the both north and south sides. The total bridge length of these three bridges is about one kilometer. A smaller railway bridge over a service road and a new road bridge, which replaces an existing bridge that is to be demolished, are also included in the contract.
Noise protection measures are designed along those parts of the route where there is a need. Reinforcement measures for the railway embankment are planned to be carried out as bank piles, lime-cement columns to some extent in combination with pressure banks. A significant part of the work takes place directly adjacent to the commissioned railway facility.
Non-aligned power
New construction of connection center in Gerstaberg:
The purpose of the new connection centre is to connect the new overhead contact lines of the East Link with existing overhead contact lines on the Western Main Line. Further, new AT supply lines are connected to the connection center. Suggested location is along the Western Main Line at approximately kilometres 45+400. The work includes civil engineering, construction of a switchboard building and AT-transformers including earthworks, ducting and wiring, electrical power work and installation, and access road.
Reconstruction of the Järna substation:
The work includes connection of new AT-supply lines, construction of new building for AT-transformers including ground works, ducting and wiring, electrical power work and possible adaptation in the existing building.
AT-supply lines between Järna substation and Gerstaberg connection centre:
The work includes new construction of AT-meter lines including line calculations and ground works.
The Swedish Transport Administration intends to perform these contract as an ECI contract (Early Contractor Involvement). The calculated value exceeds 10 billion and thus the contract in question will be part of the volume deals that the Swedish Transport Administration intends to work with.
This contract is part of The East Link Project, which is part of the Swedish Transport Administration's new main lines. This contract concerns a stretch of railway in the counties of Stockholm and Södermanland, and affects the municipalities of Södertälje and Trosa. The stretch between Gerstaberg and Sillekrog includes approximately 26 kilometres of new double-track main line and a new travel centre in Vagnhärad. A large part of the railway will be built in tunnels and on bridges to reduce impact on the surrounding cultural and natural environments, other parts will be built on banks or cutting through the landscape. The longest tunnel will be approximately four kilometres long and will pass under the Tullgarn nature area. The longest bridge will be approximately 1,700 meters and will pass over the archaeological site of Trosaån valley.
Illustrations of the coming contract
The videos below illustrates the stretch and overall scope of the coming contract. If pressing the gear wheel button, down to the right on the screen, then you can choose “subtitles” and “translate automatically” (Swedish-English).
The Swedish Transport Administration intends to perform these contract as an ECI contract (Early Contractor Involvement). The calculated value exceeds 10 billion and thus the contract in question will be part of the volume deals that the Swedish Transport Administration intends to work with.
This contract is part of The East Link Project, which is part of the Swedish Transport Administration's new main lines. Skavsta is located in the county of Södermanland, Nyköping municipality, and the contract regards a stretch of approximately 36 kilometres of new double-track main lines between Sillekrog and Skavsta, as well as parts of a secondary line and parts of a new travel centre at Skavsta airport. The railway will be built in a varied landscape. Great emphasis has been placed on minimising intrusions and negative consequences for areas worthy of protection. For example, the railway passes on a bridge that will be approximately 1,400 meters long, making it one of the East Link’s longest bridges. To a large extent, the railway follows the E4 road to minimise the infrastructure's barrier effects for people and wild life in the area.
Illustrations of the coming contract
The videos below llustrates the stretch and overall scope of the contract. If pressing the gear wheel button, down to the right on the screen, then you can choose “subtitles” and “translate automatically” (Swedish-English).
Nyköping's Travel Centre, part of the East Link Project, will be located along the planned Nyköping secondary line. The area extends from the existing railway bridge over the Nyköping River to the east, then follows the existing tracks across Brunnsgatan and through the existing station and railway yard, via the western connection, for a total of approximately 3 km. From there it will connect to the existing TGOJ track and the Nyköping line, as well as to the future secondary line.
The current Nyköping railway station is in need of refurbishments. It also has limited capacity. In order to meet future transport needs and improve accessibility and road safety, Nyköping municipality, together with the Swedish Transport Administration, has decided to build a new joint intertransport travel centre.
Nyköping municipality will build simultaneously with the Swedish Transport Administration. These include two bus hubs, park areas, pedestrian and cycle paths and lay-bys for buses and taxis. Extensive coordination of works between the municipality and the contractor will therefore be required.
The Swedish Transport Administration's construction contract consists of the following components
Extension to three level junctions through the station and the railway yard. In addition, new tracks are to be built connecting the existing single track on the TGOJ line, the existing single track on the Nyköpingsbana line towards Norrköping and a double track railway (the secondary line) towards Skavsta travel centre. There will be need for temporary tracks and switches during construction. Construction of two new yard tracks and one recessing siding.
New railway engineering installations for track, electricity, contact lines, signalling and telecommunications with associated engineering buildings and demolition of existing installations.
New computer signalling signal box 95. The signal box will control a different scope than the present signal box. Demolition and removal of railway engineering plant, as well as signal box 59 and parts of computer signal box 85.
Click on the image to see it in larger format
A total of four new railway bridges will be built. Two railway bridges over Brunnsgatan, as well as demolition of existing bridges including abutments. A new railway bridge in a central location over the pedestrian link to the intermediate platform (central passage), including two new entrance buildings on each side of the track area. A new westbound railway bridge over the pedestrian link to the intermediate platform and cycle passage (west passage), as well as demolition of the existing pedestrian tunnel to the platform. A new bus terminal and cycle parking building will also be built adjacent to the southern entrance building.
A new intermediate platform between tracks 2 and 3 (new numbering) and a new side platform south of track 1 (new numbering) will be built. Platforms are accessed by escalators, stairs or lift. Retaining walls on both the north and south sides of the railway facility. Re-routing of existing lines and roads, new service roads, geotechnical reinforcement measures, management of contaminated land, noise protection measures as well as fencing along the railway facility.
West of the E4 and over the new railway facility, a new two lane car and pedestrian/cycle bridge, the so called Hemgårdspassagen, will be built.
Project challenges
Signalling system
The challenges for signalling construction involve managing two stretches of track, with different types of traffic requirements, but also that there will be four interfaces vis-a-vis the relay line. Three types of signal box are affected, which requires the contractor to be very experienced with signalling technology, not least with relay signal box 59.
The project includes replacing the existing signal box 59, which controls Nyköping C. Nyköping S is currently controlled from signal box 85 in Silinge and will be removed from signal box 85 in the project. New signal box 95 will be built and connected to control the signalling system for Nyköping C and Nyköping S.
Construction in an operational railway facility and station
During production, the railway facility and the existing station shall, with certain exceptions, remain in operation. This requires production to be carried out in stages, and it is essential that all phases be carried out on time. Coordination with the operations and maintenance manager for both the station and the railway facility will be required.
Given the planned traffic stops and phased production, it is essential that the contractor is organised from the outset to be able to carry out the necessary measures in the railway facility to complete the early phases of the work on time.
Travellers to and from the railway station, local residents and other third parties in the area need clear information on an ongoing basis regarding what is going on, and when and how work effects them. The project will work with proactive communication, in which the contractor will be an important partner.
Collaboration with Nyköping municipality and other external stakeholders
The Nyköping Travel Centre consists of two projects. In addition to the Swedish Transport Administration's construction work, Nyköping municipality will be responsible for the construction of parts, which upon completion will as whole make up the new travel centre. Close collaboration will be required to achieve an effective result.
Due to the fact that construction is located in the middle of the City of Nyköping, the project will require coordination with several external stakeholders in the city who are directly or indirectly affected by the project.
Illustrations of the coming contract
The video below illustrates the stretch and overall scope of the coming contract. If pressing the gear wheel button, down to the right on the screen, then you can choose “subtitles” and “translate automatically” (Swedish-English).
The prognosis for production start of this contract is August 2026.
This performance contract is part of The East Link Project, which is part of the Swedish Transport Administration's new main lines. The contract regards a stretch of approximately 15 kilometres of new double-track railway between Stavsjö and Loddby, whereof roughly 8 kilometres will consist of the Kolmården Tunnel. The railway will pass through the counties of Södermanland and Östergötland, in varied terrain consisting mainly of forests and arable land. It will mostly cut through the landscape, but in some places it needs to be built on banks, for example where it will be passing by the lakes Gullvagnen and Strålen, and on bridges and in tunnels (like the previously mentioned Kolmården Tunnel).
The Kolmården Tunnel will be a tunnel for double-track railway with an escape route; a service tunnel that is built parallel to the track tunnel. The track tunnel will have a free area of 91 m² and the service tunnel a free area of 36 m². The distance between the track tunnel and the service tunnel will be 10 m. The service tunnel will have a width of 8 m. The track tunnel and service tunnel will be connected by 19 cross tunnels; access to the service tunnel will be organised via two access tunnels in Persdal and Böksjö. Each cross tunnel will have a reserved space for technical buildings. A fire water supply system must be built in the service tunnel, with a depository and a redundant pump station at the tunnel's low point. Four working tunnels are planned at Persdal, Rödmossen, Svartgölen and Bökjsö. Two of these working tunnels, Böksjö and Persdal, must be constructed so that that they can later be used as service tunnels and permanent emergency routes for the emergency services. The working tunnels at Rödmossen and Svartgölen are to be closed after the construction phase.
Section Stavsjö–Loddby includes 5 new railway bridges, of which one is a landscape bridge for railway of approximately 670 m, and 5 new road bridges. The project also includes demolition of 2 existing bridges, one over the E4 at Böksjö.
Approximately 2,200 m of service roads are to be built for engineering yards, ventilation shafts, service tunnels, tracks, electricity, signal and telecommunication objects along the railway. Escape routes must be built into the tunnel mouths and the mouths of the service tunnels. In total, approximately 40 drums needs to be constructed to handle storm water for the railway and roads. Along the route there are railway engineering facilities for track, electricity, contact lines, signal and telecommunications with associated technical buildings etc.
The railway tracks must be designed with a physical barrier, with gates, along its entire length to prevent people and animals from entering the tracks.
Noise reducing measures are needed along some parts of the route. Reinforcement measures for the railway bank are planned to be constructed as bank piles, lime-cement columns, to some extent in combination with pressure banks varying in width from approximately 8-15 m.
Illustrations of the coming contract
The video below illustrates the stretch and overall scope of the coming contract. If pressing the gear wheel button, down to the right on the screen, then you can choose “subtitles” and “translate automatically” (Swedish-English).
Nyköping Secondary Line
Nyköping secondary line, part of The East Link, is set to function as a connection between the new main line and Nyköping urban area, as well as between Nyköping travel center and Skavsta station. This section is divided into two parts, the eastern and western part around Nyköping travel center.

Form of contract
Nyköping Secondary Line will be executed as a two-phase contract in strategic partnering (ABT06, current account) where a contract is signed with a contractor to jointly design and plan the production of all parts of the project.
A two-phase contract is a turnkey contract where the contractor is procured in order to jointly design and develop a target cost in the first phase (phase 1) with the client, with an option for a contract for the production phase (phase 2). In this project, in addition to the two phases described above, an initial collaboration phase (phase 0) will be carried out.
The project will be divided strategically into sections and main parts linked to time based on when they need to be carried out, the nature of the work and so on. Procurement of suppliers for detailed design is carried out by the contractor together and in close collaboration with the client.
Various terrains requiring different construction methods
The route will pass through various terrains, including forested areas and agricultural landscapes, requiring different construction methods. The scope of contract is planned to consist of approximately 2.9 km embankment, 3.1 km cutting including three railway bridges, a fauna bridge and a pedestrian and bicycle bridge.
A railway plan has been drawn up and approved for planning review and is expected to enter into force in 2025. The contract is planned to start in 2025 with an initial collaboration phase (phase 0), followed by design phases (phase 1) and production phases (phase 2). Production is expected to last until 2031.
The Nyköping Travel Centre project has times planned for track in 2027, something the Nyköping secondary line project aims to use for the renovation of the existing Nyköping railway.