Development and timetable for ERTMS
A gradual expansion and implementation of the new signalling system will continue until after 2040.
Which lines are implemented first is decided by how old and worn-out the installations are, i.e. the need for reinvestment, financing and the impact on capacity during the trackside works, for example the possibility of rerouting.
The expansion of the Riksgränsen-Boden section began with preparatory works in May 2019. Commissioning Riksgränsen-Boden will take place from May 2024. The expansion and timetable for the remaining network has been under review in 2021. The government has decided on a new national plan for the transport system in June 2022. The decision involves changes in the allocation of funds for the new signaling system, and analysis is underway of how the decision should be implemented in our operational planning.