Locks in Trollhätte canal
To ensure the future of shipping on lake Vänern, the Swedish Transport Administration in collaboration with the Swedish Maritime Administration are building new navigational locks in in Lilla Edet, Trollhättan and Vänersborg.
The current locks are over a hundred years old and their function cannot be kept up for much longer by regular maintenance and therefore they need to be replaced. By 2030 the locks are considered to have reached their technical life expectancy.
New locks are needed
- to ensure the shipping transportation needed by the industry
- to create conditions for a future shift of transportation from roads to shipping
- to enable larger vessels to traffic the canal in the future
New locks are also beneficial for the local and boat tourism industry and are a prerequisite for a continued development of the traffic on, to and from lake Vänern.
Information about procurements – welcome to participate in supplier dialogue sessions in October 2024
Now we invite suppliers to participate in a continued dialogue regarding the construction of a new lock in Lilla Edet.
Read more and register for the meeting here.
At our supplier dialogues in March, several suppliers discussed the construction of the new locks in Trollhätte canal together with us. Via the link below, you can read the presentation that formed the starting point for the discussions.
Presentation from the supplier dialogues (pdf file, 4.9 MB)
Here you can read a summary of what was said during the supplier dialogues.
Below, you can find information about our upcoming procurements.
The town Lilla Edet gets Sweden's first triangular lock
Lilla Edet, home to Sweden's oldest lock, will also have Sweden's first triangular lock.