The Regulation - Rail Freight Corridor 3

In addition to concurring with existing corridors established as part of ERTMS, TEN-T or RailNetEurope (RNE-) systems, corridors that are set up in accordance with the Regulation shall take into consideration a market-defined goods flow.

Exactly which lines/stretches of line are included shall be clearly defined, but the national alignment between the points that are specified in the Regulation are decided by the member states themselves. In the case of Sweden, it means that both Stockholm and Malmö will be included in the corridor and be interlinked. Since ERTMS Corridor B is defined as being the stretch of line from Stockholm to Malmö via Hallsberg, it would seem natural to define the alignment of this freight corridor as going in the same direction. Terminals along the corridor and in its immediate vicinity shall also be included in the defined corridor alignment.


A contact point – or a so-called One-Stop-Shop (OSS) – shall be set up for the corridors. This shall be a common body that has been created or appointed by the governing body for each corridor. All applications for cross-border goods traffic shall be submitted to OSS, which will also subdivide the capacity advantages of the cross-border traffic on the basis of the pre-planned train paths that are to be drawn up in each corridor.

A common market survey

The number of pre-planned train paths is decided on the basis of a common market survey and shall reflect the need for cross-border traffic. The quantity may vary from stretch to stretch. Over and above this the capacity is to be reserved as train paths in the current train plan in order to satisfy a "spot market" and changes in the existing traffic. It is these pre-planned train paths that the Regulation rules shall be allocated capacity by the OSS. In practice, it entails two capacity distributors on the same infrastructure.


The work also includes – in cooperation with other players in the corridor and through internal coordination – creating the necessary preconditions for following up whether we manage to supply the quality that has been promised. By means of good follow-up and reporting, both externally and internally, input is given on how we can make improvements in our supplies. This applies with respect to both administrative measures as well to measures taken in the infrastructure with a view to increasing the attraction of the corridor.

The Regulation also specifies the requirement that a joint investment plan and an introduction plan should be drawn up. Furthermore, a governing body or board should be set up.