A lot of attention to Swedish Transport Administration procurements – also from abroad
On 21 april the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) held a National Suppliers Day at Folkets hus in Stockholm.
More than 450 participants attended, given the opportunity to listen to descriptions of current business opportunities with a national distribution, and to meet and hold discussions with Trafikverket and with each other.
Out of these 450 from the Construction sector there were approximately 90 representatives from foreign suppliers present. And the interest showed in current and upcoming procurements within both road and railroad, was large.
- I am glad to see so many suppliers from different countries present here today, ready to hold discussions with us. With the challenges we face, especially in the urban areas, foreign resources and know-how can definitely be contributive, says Katarina Norén, Head of Procurement & Logistics at Trafikverket.
Presentations of concrete business opportunities of particular interest during the
coming year was mixed with opportunities to mingle and discuss with Trafikverket and other suupliers. In dialogue stations the participants were able to get detailed information about projects and preconditions to do business with Trafikverket. The stations was manned by project managers, executives, procurement managers or other experts from business areas at Trfaikverket.
At the end of the day there was also a seminar directed to foreign suppliers. The topic being "Lowering market entry barriers", it adressed measures taken by Trafikverket to make it easier for companies from abroad to compete for the assignments and enter the Swedish market. More than 60 suppliers attended.