Trafikverket's road ferries
Trafikverket’s road ferries form an important part of the country’s public transport system. Short-cuts over the water enable millions of people to travel freely around coastal districts as well as urban and rural areas.
Ferry routes facilitate essential public services and goods transportation. On average, eight out of ten passengers are satisfied with our service. Our ferries operate punctually, with minimal interruption to service.
Road ferries represent an environmentally friendly choice. During transit, vehicles are requested to switch off their engines while being transported collectively. Travelling by ferry also helps reduce the impact of barrier effects on animals, nature, and maritime traffic. Our vessels run on green diesel, while fuel consumption can be reduced by more than 50 percent on cable ferry routes.
Swedish road ferries on course for climate-neutral ferries
The Swedish state has decided that transports must be climate-neutral by 2045 at the latest. This is a challenge for the road ferries. It means switching fuels and finding new smart ways that help us to keep a good environment for all. Whatch our film and learn about reducing dependence on fossil fuels on road ferries.