Everyone arrives smoothly, the green and safe way. This is Trafikverket's vision. Here you can read about what Trafikverket is and what we do.
Our vision means that we will create the conditions for a robust and efficient transport system which is both energy-efficient and safe. At the same time, we must ensure that road-users and hauliers have excellent opportunities to carry out their journeys and transportation.
Trafikverket is responsible for the overall long-term infrastructure planning of road, rail, sea and air transport. Our assignment also includes the construction, operation and maintenance of state roads and railways. We are developers of society and we plan ahead for a holistic integration of the entire transport system. In order for society to develop, the country's transportation must work. Increased accessibility is becoming increasingly important.
Our assignment means that on a day to day basis, we must ensure that the roads and railway tracks are passable, that we have more roads with median barriers, that railway stations are adapted to the disabled, that combined terminals are developed, that travellers and road users receive speedy and relevant traffic information, that driving tests for driving licences are carried out and that everything else required is carried out to manage and develop a smart infrastructure.
The objective is an accessible and safe transportation system that takes account of the environment and people's health. To achieve this objective, we need to work closely with the rest of society. Together, we can make life easier for the whole of Sweden.
Trafikverket is responsible for the long-term planning of the transport system for road, rail, shipping and aviation. Our task is to develop an efficient and sustainable transport system from a perspective that encompasses all modes of transport. We work with long-term infrastructure planning in close dialogue with regions and municipalities. We are also responsible for building, operating and maintaining state roads and railways. In addition, we are responsible for ensuring that this infrastructure is used effectively and that it promotes safe and environmentally sound transportation.
Based on our overall assignment, we have formulated a vision statement that expresses the desired long-term direction for Trafikverket: "Everybody arrives smoothly, the green and safe way." The vision is to act as a guiding principle in planning the operations which means that we will create the prerequisites for a robust and efficient transport system that is energy efficient and safe. At the same time, we ensure that road users and public transport providers have the opportunity to carry out their journeys and provide transportation.
Our core values at work
In order for us to be successful as an organization, a set of shared core values guide our decisions and actions.
- We keep our promises
- We take on responsibility
- We show trust in each other
- We see opportunities
- We know that we need each other to succeed
- We create value together
- We fight for what we know to be right
- We are opten and straightforward
- We think and do "new"
Trafikverket is divided into several business areas and central functions. Trafikverket's executive and central functions are located in Borlänge. Regional offices are located in Luleå, Gävle, Stockholm, Eskilstuna, Göteborg and Kristianstad.
Trafikverket has approximately 9000 employees.
The total budget for Trafikverket's activities in 2020 is SEK 75 billion. Just over SEK 60 billion is financed from appropriations. Certain activities are also financed directly from fees and income from commissioned work. Some road and rail projects and other investments are financed through loans and subsidies.