Invoicing addresses

On this page you will find important information about sending invoices to the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).

Business registration number- and VAT number

Business registration number: 202100-6297
VAT number: SE202100629701

Invoices must be sent electronically.

According to the Act (2018:1277), invoices must be sent electronically (e-invoices) if they are issued as a result of a procurement. This applies to all procurement, including direct procurement. This means that as a supplier to Trafikverket, you must send e-invoices. PDF invoices or scanned paper invoices do not count as e-invoices. You can read more about the law on the Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) (see link below).

Invoicing address to the Swedish Transport Administration

Invoices to Trafikverket should be sent via the PEPPOL network and format PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.

Swedish Transport Administration
SE-781 89 Borlänge

PEPPOL-id 0088:7350005120115

Mandatory reference: EF-number and Name of contact
Example: EF123456 Sven Nilsson

Invoicing addresses to the divisions

Invoices to the divisions should be sent via the PEPPOL network and format PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.

Ferry Operations, Driving Tests Unit, Railway Training Centre and Material Logistics divisions have their own invoicing addresses.

Trafikverket Ferry Operations

PEPPOL-id 0088:7381010051316

Trafikverket Färjerederiet
SE-781 89 Borlänge

Mandatory reference: Name of contact and object number
Example: Sven Nilsson object 1234 or 12345

Trafikverket Driving Tests Unit

PEPPOL-id 0088:7350005120146

Trafikverket Förarprov
SE-781 89 Borlänge

Mandatory  reference: EF-number and Name of contact
Example: EF123456 Sven Nilsson

Trafikverket Railway Training Centre

PEPPOL-id 0088:7350005120603

Trafikverket Trafikverksskolan
SE-781 89 Borlänge

Mandatory reference: Name of contact and Project number
Example: Sven Nilsson 12345

Trafikverket Logistic

PEPPOL-id 0088: 7350005120092

Trafikverket Logistik
SE-781 89 Borlänge

Mandatory reference: Name of contact and purchase ordernumber
Example: Sven Nilsson 1199999

If your finance system does not support e-invoices
If your finance system does not support e-invoicing or if you are sending a small number of invoices to Trafikverket, we have a web service for e-invoicing. Invoices can easily be created in a web form and sent as an e-invoice to Trafikverket. Please follow the links below for more information and registration, see E-invoice service delivered by Opus Capita.