Former director-general Lena Erixon at the 2017 conference.
Past events - Vision Zero Conference
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Up to now, three such conferences were held in Sweden: in 2013, 2015 and 2017. Initially, the event was named Towards Zero Conference. In 2017, we renamed the conference Vision Zero Conference in order to describe the event more precisely.
The theme of the previous conferences was Striving for Excellence in Transport Safety.
Policy makers, road safety practitioners together with high-level representatives from industry and international academia share their experiences, aim to find common goals and discuss the way forward.
The conferences were organised by Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure, Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) and Transportstyrelsen (Swedish Transport Agency).
The former Director General at Trafikverket, Gunnar Malm, saw the need for an international event focusing on road safety. In 2013, the Towards Zero Conference took place in Sweden. Its aim was to share experiences and knowledge in various fields of road safety.