About Vision Zero Conference
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Join us for international knowledge sharing, capacity building and inspiration on road safety and the Vision Zero.
Taking road safety to the next level
The Global Ministerial Conference in Stockholm 2020 marks a real shift. The conference elaborated road safety as an integral part of United Nations 2030 Agenda, where health, climate and equity are the main headings. Road safety has a significant role in the 2030 Agenda not only by having its own target, but also as an enabler for other qualities and ambitions of the society. More importantly, road safety is now on the same level as global warming, equal rights, safe workplaces etc. and has a legitimate access to many processes and tools that could speed up the actions leading to a reduced global road toll. Targets for the sustainability goals are absolute and indivisible. We now also have the United Nations Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety and the Global Plan for the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety to support us. This conference will give us an opportunity to link road safety to other sustainability challenges, to go from visions to implementation, and to take road safety to the next level.
Main topics
- Vision Zero in a rapidly changing world
- The 2030 Agenda as an enabler for road safety and vice versa
- Private sector role and engagement
- Knowledge transfer and capacity building
- Safe modal shift including safety for powered two-wheelers
- New technologies and innovations
The Vision Zero Conference is organised by the Government Offices of Sweden, the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova. The conference is supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF).
High-level representatives from government authorities, international organisations, private sector, academia, policy makers, NGOs, municipalities, and development banks will exchange knowledge and experiences, and discuss the way forward in order to reach the global goals.
Registration and additional information
We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm, 26-27 June 2023.