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WHO publishes Save LIVES: a road safety technical package
Now Vision Zero and safe systems are indeed integrated parts of WHO’s global strategies.
Dr. Matts-Åke Belin, senior policy adviser at Trafikverket, Swedish Transport Administration:
– I am very pleased that the Vision Zero outlook has influenced the WHO's safety work.
Dr. Belin is one of the experts involved in creating the road safety technical package at the request of WHO. He describes it as a breakthrough in the road safety field – and especially interesting that the perspectives used for many years in Sweden are now internationally established.
Traditionally, one has focused on changing the behaviour of the individuals in the traffic; drivers as well as pedestrians. The aim has been to create the "perfect", flawless individual who is to survive within a non-perfect system.
– The Vision Zero approach turns that all around, Dr. Belin says. Here we understand that the users of the transport systems are not perfect; they will always make mistakes. Instead, we must adapt the system to the people.